“Castaway Diva” is a romantic comedy that is heart warming which stars Park Eun Bin as Seo Mok Ha, an aspiring singer who gets stranded on a deserted island while traveling to Seoul for an audition. The premise may seem far fetched but the show quickly pivots to delvge into a more serious issue of parental and domestic abuse that bonds Seo Mok Ha and Ki-ho together.
Ki-ho’s character is played by Chae Jong-hyeop (Korean: 채종협) who is an actor that has captured hearts with his serious, goofy and lovable acting prowess.
The glittery transformation of Seo Mok-ha before the stage is marvelous from poofy dresses to glittery makeup, her transformation for the stage is nothing short of very well put together. From a white dress theme to applique details on the neck, shoulders and sleeves, the ensembles make for a stage wardrobe to remember.
While the recent response of actress Park Eun Bin who plays Seo Mok Ha on the environmental damage caused on Jeju island by the production team of Castaway Diva is ignorant towards the environment, the series doesn’t disappoint with its epic visuals and dichotomy between a tale of survival and dreams of being a kpop singer. Park Eun Bin has a beautiful voice that resonates through the character of Seo Mok-ha but she fails to take responsibility of the environmental pollution by responding in a manufactured PR statement to save face. Honestly, I am torn whether to like her anymore as she could have just said yes, we caused the environmental pollution while production and we should have cleaned it but keeping that aside from these series, there is something special between the characters that captures the hearts of netizens.
Here is a teaser of the show:
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