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The record-breaking Marvel miniseries centering into the characters of Sam aka The Falcon and Bucky aka Winter Soldier as pivotal characters is streaming now at Disney + streaming platform.
Season 1 Episode 6 titled One World, One People was uploaded on 24th April 2021.
The six episodes miniseries from Marvel Studios ended with a bang.
Let's dive into the details and what the future of the show holds for pleasing its diverse fandom all over the world. Marvel Studios president Kevin Fiege introduced this show as part of Marvel Cinematic Studios part 4 which also had exciting upcoming projects having diverse representations for everyone.
The finale episode is directed by Kari Skogland and written by Malcolm Spellman and Josef Sawyer.
The epic eagerly awaited finale started with the GRC (Global Repatriation Council) headquartered(HQ) in New York located further south from the United Nations HQ in lower Manhattan.

Karli: Leader of the Flag Smashers
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The infamous group named Flag Smashers lead by Karli Morgenthau played by Erin Kellyman.
The group overtake the GRC building by launching a biological attack and flushing the leaders to the basement as per the evacuation protocol.
The Captain America and Falcon hybrid stars and stripes adorned by Anthony Mackie enters the scene by breaking the window with the infamous red, white and blue vibrananium shield.
Now, we finally witness the glory of what was in the briefcase from Wakanda from episode 5 titled Truth.
Captain America is ambushed by Batroc played by Gorges St.Pierre who has vowed to take revenge on the Falcon.
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Batroc belongs to Madripoor, a haven for criminals and controlled by the mighty Power Broker where Bucky aka Winter Solider aka The White Wolf played by the dashing Sebastian Stan is seen with the Falcon the truth about the super-soldier serum in episode 3 titled the Power Broker.
The underrated Sharon Carter played by the stunning Emily Vancamp who I have followed on screen since her first television role in Revenge sin also decides to storm the GRC building using face morphing technology and meets up with Bucky or rather Sergeant Bucky as clearly said by soldier posted outside the building. Giving Sergeant Bucky and I personally prefer the White Wolf and still giving him the much-needed sign of respect he deserves.
Gunfire is being rained down from a helicopter on Sam aka Captain America as a member of the Flag-Smasher has commandeered a helicopter with top GRC officials and taken them as hostages. with assistance from his trusted partner Redwing, who scans all members onboard and comes up with a plan to rescue them. There is a 5 countdown and the shield goes through the helicopter knocking out the pilot and a member from the GRC who is a pilot takes the control of the helicopter and everyone is safe and sound.
Bucky and Sharon face-off with the Flag smashers, where Sharon smokes a supporter of the Flag Smashers by using a Mercury vapor explosive, leaving us to wonder that maybe Sharon is the power-broker indeed.
Karli is seen going over her plan to stop the GRC from voting on the controversial Patch Act. Karli goes full martyr and decides to even kill all GRC officials to send the world her message.

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Bucky on the other hand is facing off with multiple members of the Flag Smashers aka Super Solider but is overpowered. And Karli lights up a van leaving Bucky to rescue them and escapes with another NYPD van filled with top brass from the GRC.
One of the most powerful scenes in the finale is Bucky using the full strength of his cybernetic arm to rip open the armored vehicle on fire to rescue people and the way he feels after receiving their thanks for saving their lives.
The infamous new star-spangled man John Walker played by Wyatt Russell bursts onto the scene with his own metal shield even though he wasn't being cleared for missions by the U.S Government. Bucky lends a hand when Walker is overwhelmed by the Flag Smashers. Karli on the other hand decides to make matters worse by knocking another van almost to the edge of the bridge in order to distract Walker and Bucky.
Walker makes a decision t pull the armored truck from the edge but is viciously attacked when he tries to do so. Just in the nick of time, Captain America arrives on the scene and uses his trusted partner Redwing to anchor the truck.
The public cheers and as a civilian video the incident and declares that that is my Captain America.
Karli is disappointed to see Sam embrace the stars and stripes suit and the shield.
Suddenly, Batroc launches smoke grenades to give the Flag Smashers a chance to escapes. Sam, Bucky and Walker chase the group through the tunnels but have to split up to capture them.
Sharon confronts Karli with a gun and finally reveals that she is the infamous Power-Broker who gave Karli the super-solider serum to create muscle to run Madripoor. And Karli realizes that Sharon has hired Batroc to spy on the Flag Smashers.
Batroc overhears that Sharon is the Power-Broker and demands 4 fold payment and this pisses Sharon off.
The Mexican standoff takes place between Sharon, Karli and Batroc where Sharon shoots Batroc and Karli shoots Sharon.
Sam arrives before Karli could kill Sharon .
Karli and Sam have a showdown where Sam defends himself and displays cool tricks of his new suit and vows to not fight Karli.
Unfortunately, this ends in injured Sharon killing Karli before she shoots Sam.
Bucky and Walker use their heads to lay a trap using the Flag Smashers App which leads them right into the arms of the heavily armed NYPD s.w.a.t officers who take them away.
Karli and Sam have a showdown where Sam defends himself and displays cool tricks of his new suit and vows to not fight Karli.
Unfortunately, this ends in injured Sharon killing Karli before she shoots Sam.
Bucky and Walker use their heads to lay a trap using the Flag Smashers App which leads them right into the arms of the heavily armed NYPD s.w.a.t officers who take them away.
Sam files out Karli and lays her body on a stretcher in front of the police, media, and GRC officials. The new Captain America launches in a powerful monologue by stating the Senators and officials to do better.
The most important line uttered by Sam ," Everytime I pick the shield up, I know millions will hate me for it".
The message to do better is echoed in Sam's speech as he makes the officials see their mistakes and eventually overturn the Patch Act.
Walker stands in the corner and listens to Sam realizing what he did wrong but he doesn't learn his lesson.
The captured Flag Smashers are sent to the Raft but are blowing to smithereens during transport by an old man in a car.
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And the scene cuts to Zemo played by Daniel Bruhl, hears the news of the blast from the raft.
The old man is revealed to be working with Valentina played by Julia Louis Dreyfus who transforms Walker into the US AGENT, an identity from the MARVEL Comics.
Bucky pays a final visit to Yori played by Ken Takemoto, whose son he had killed as he was the eyewitness to his killing. He makes his amends and leaves a package for his therapist Dr Raynor played by Amy Aquino. His notebook with all names crossed off and a personalised note saying thank you to the doctor.
Bucky visits the restaurant that he used to visit with Yori and see that he is being taken care of by the girl played by Miki Michelle Ishikawa he had one date with. In doesn't go in and walks away.

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Sam visits Isaiah Bradley played by Carl Lumbly in Baltimore where he calls Sam special.

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Sam takes Isaiah and his grandson Eli Bradley played by Elijah Richardson to the Washington DC Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. In the heroes exhibit, there is a golden statue of Isaiah Bradley recognizing him as a hero. Sam and Isaiah have an emotional hug that melts our hearts.

Sam, Bucky, Sarah and Sam's Nephews
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The happiest ending for Sam, Sarah, played by Adepero Oduve andnd Bucky who is seen enjoying a party in the hometown of Lousiana.
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The marvel staple credit scene shows Sharon pardoned and reinstated to the post of Agent Carter but no one knows she is the Power- broker. Sharon is seen calling her contact to line up buyers for state secrets and weapons to the highest bidder, a return to her nefarious ways.
You can watch the complete series on Disneyplus Hotstar and even the behind-the-scenes footage in Marvel's Assembled at Hotstar Disneyplus.