Disney+ Series: Hawkeye Series starring Hailee Steinfield as Kate Bishop, Jeremy Renner as Clint Barton aka Hawkeye Poster by Marvel Studios/ Photo: Disneyplusoriginals
Some people have actually called me the world’s greatest archer-
Kate Bishop, the 22-year-old archer with dreams to become a superhero
Marvel has an early Christmas present with a gift of episodes one and two of Hawkeye that dropped on Disney Plus.
The 'Never Met Your Heroes' titled episode follows veteran MCU hero Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner) and his new protégé Kate Bishop (Hailee Steinfeld). The highly anticipated Marvel television show offers an exciting adventure on the streets of New York as the two master archers team up a couple of years after the events of Avengers: Endgame.
Clint, who’s aiming to be home with his wife and kids in time for Christmas, is initially reluctant to take Kate on board when she stumbles across his path wearing the suit he used to own as the assassin Ronin.
Intrigued yet, it gets even better with the addition of a one-eyed furry stray that happens to be a golden retriever that Kate Bishop rescues while fighting off the Tracksuit Mafia in the black market auctioned " Ronin" suit.
The minute the first episode of Hawkeye started and it said that the first scene was set in 2012, most Marvel fans would have sussed it that we would be transported to a throwback to the Battle of New York.
Viewers meet a young Kate Bishop in her family’s penthouse overhearing her parents arguing about finances before chaos ensues, with the Chitauri blowing the side of their apartment off and supposedly killing her father.
As Kate stands near the edge of her building, panicking as she absorbs the invasion taking place before her very eyes, she suddenly becomes transfixed by Clint battling the aliens on an opposite building, using his bow and arrow to masterfully swing off the roof through a window.
It’s a scene that many will undoubtedly place in their top MCU moments and one that perfectly introduces Kate as an up-and-coming hero as her admiration for Clint inspires her into adulthood.
In Hawkeye, it’s been two years since the events of Avengers: Endgame has taken place – but that doesn’t make them hurt any less. Clint – who now wears a hearing aid, in keeping with the comic book character’s hearing loss – exits the theatre, clearly overwhelmed by the memory when he watches the actor playing Black Widow pirouette on stage as a part of Rogers: The Musical with his kids.
Despite promising his kids that they’ll be home for Christmas together to enjoy activities such as movie marathons and ugly festive sweaters, this might not be likely given the complex drama that’s about to make its way into Clint’s life.
What complex drama could that be and if you want to know? If you enjoy snuggling on the couch and enjoy watching the Marvel series ring in the holidays, be sure to catch some highly anticipated characters of the MCU and explore more of Kate Bishop's world in Hawkeye on Disney+ for International viewers and Disney+Hotstar for Indian viewers.